Friends from Ghana, Nigeria - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like singing, swimming, dancing, reading, music, hangingout, singing and listening to stories, soccer, listing to music and movies

9366-9370 out of 10093 friends


43 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: singing, swimming, dancing, reading


About me: i will like to meet friends and luv once from all over the world.


49 years old man from Nigeria (Lagos)


Hobbies: music, reading & hangingout


About me: Stay positive


49 years old man from Nigeria (Lagos)


Hobbies: music, reading & hangingout


About me: stay positive


43 years old woman from Ghana (Obuasi)


Hobbies: reading,singing and listening to stories


About me: i want penpals from all over the world.


45 years old man from Ghana (Takoradi)


Hobbies: Soccer, Listing to Music and Movies


About me: I would like penpals from all over the world

9366-9370 out of 10093 friends