Friends from New Zealand, Ethiopia, Finland - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like reading, travelling, etc, hearing orthodox mezmur, reading bibles, to get you, toking frely about love, chating, toking any aspact of life, music

9341-9345 out of 10093 friends


56 years old man from New Zealand (Wellington)


Hobbies: reading, travelling, etc


About me: Hi to everybody around the world! Hope to hear from anywhere from around the world!


33 years old man from Ethiopia (Wolkite)


Hobbies: hearing orthodox mezmur.reading get you


About me: "all thing is done by the almighty god .


38 years old man from Ethiopia (Bahirdar)


Hobbies: toking frely about love,chating,toking any aspact of life


About me: Helo guy! my name is daniel zewdu,i am 3rd year a university student.i want only female pen friends.i apreciat ethiopian pals to email me have nice day.


38 years old man from Ethiopia (Bahirdar)


Hobbies: toking frely about love,chating,toking any aspact of life


About me: Helo guy! my name is daniel zewdu,i am 3rd year a university student.i want only female pen friends.i apreciat ethiopian pals to email me have nice day.


50 years old man from Finland (327)


Hobbies: music , cars , nature


About me: Hello , I am hamel , from Tunisia , I live in Finland . I look for female friends from all over the world . age is not important.
answer is guaranteed.
please african scammers let me quite , I don't need money or empty stories.
I need friends from all the world , we could meet in real life , I wait . so write ... thank you ..............

9341-9345 out of 10093 friends