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Find new friends who like listening music, playing piano, watching movies, naturephotographing, computers, penpals, shopping, dancing, hanging out with friends and family and just having fun, singing

9241-9245 out of 10093 friends


36 years old woman from Finland (I'll Tell You Later)


Hobbies: Listening music, playing piano, watching movies, naturephotographing, computers, penpals


About me: Hey there.

I'm interested to find new talkingfriends to my messenger or e-mail. I don't care where you are from, how old you are, how do you look, are you male or female, what is your religion etc.
We will see soon if we are interested to continue our chatting after first contacts, so i don't have any desire-things to tell now.

So, who am i? I am 19 years old, finnish, a bit shy girl, who lives in North Karelia.
I'm always been interested in music and nature which are close to my heart. Maybe hopefully somehow in your life too :) I'm interested to practice my imperfect english and at this moment i'm tried to learn some Spanish, Swedish, German, and Japanese. Any other languages are welcome too. Don't dither to take a contact to me :)


33 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (Reeds Spring)


Hobbies: shopping,dancing,hanging out with friends and family and just having fun.


About me: Hi my name is shelbie. I'm looking for a pen pal male or female between the ages of 17-24. Some what in that area. I love to dance mostly hip hop but I'm open to learning new dances. I would like to have a pen pal with the same interests as me. I love to also go shopping. But that's just a little bit of me to know bout. You can im me anytime I always have it on so just email me or im me.


52 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: singing,travelling,reading


About me: i am a teacher looking for a female friend from all over the world. age-22-35.


40 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: Football and Watching Movies


About me: Life is full of setbacks if you ever face one do not let it swallow you up,quick put it aside and move ahead.If someone slap your face know that the person is just asking you to straiten your face. My word for friends out there is to persevere and put all obstacles that they are going through aside in there education or what ever and move ahead. A time would come they would enjoy it.I WAN FRIENDS ALL OVER THE WORLD ESPECIALLY UNIVERSITY OF GHANA


79 years old man from India (Kochi)


Hobbies: landscping


About me: like friendship from women and senior women

9241-9245 out of 10093 friends