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Find new friends who like listening to music and drawing, making busines wiyh friends from all over the world, foot ball, reading, chatting etc, penpal, music, sport, travel

9156-9160 out of 10093 friends


34 years old woman from Japan (Osaka)


Hobbies: listening to music and drawing


About me: hey i'm yurie,i'm a girl of 18 years old
i'm looking for friends(but similar age with me) all over the world
i love music(bfmv,sum41,30stm,rja,fob,direngrey)
and manga(one piece,evangelion)

i learn english now
so you can teach me english,and i teach you japanese=)
anyway, i'll waiting for your e-mail..

Kefe dad

35 years old man from Cameroon (Buea)


Hobbies: making busines wiyh friends from all over the world


About me: my name is kefe from Cameroon,i want to have some thing doing with friends,businesses exporting cats,dogs and any fruit u like.If u like them mail me.


38 years old man from Ethiopia (Adama)


Hobbies: foot ball


About me: I am interested discuss on way of developing the culture of friendship.


37 years old man from India (India)


Hobbies: Reading,chatting etc..


About me: Hi,i am an horny indian boy with an age 21.I am looking for broad minded womens,who can chat about anything through emails,and you can also ask anything to me.I need some excitement through emails.If you are interested please reply,your age,place etc are not a problem,bcos we will never meet,only a email fun..Thank you


48 years old man from India (Guwahati)


Hobbies: penpal,music,sport,travel


About me: i am very crazy for penfriend,i have no penpal yet

9156-9160 out of 10093 friends