Friends from Ghana, Kenya, Greece - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like playing computer games, reading, waching television, football, religious activities, visiting family members, playing football, reading novels and watching movies

9126-9130 out of 10093 friends

baby face

35 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: playing computer games


About me: please i like playing computer games

koby stone

35 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: playing computer games


About me: please i like playing computer games

alhassan abu safianu

39 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: reading,waching television,football,religious activities,visiting family members.


About me: i am loking for good friends allover the worlf to shares my views with.i want to learn alot about my friends and also teach them what ican do my self.if you want frineds then mail me.


29 years old man from Kenya (Bungoma)


Hobbies: Playing football,reading novels and watching movies.


About me: Is there anyone out there who feels as lonely as I am?Well then,please do write to me and let's be good friends.


34 years old man from Greece (..........................)


Hobbies: football


About me: hello i am hayford from Ghana and a male of 18 i am also the son of Michael Essien and my dream is to be a doctor i love reading during my leisure time and would like a female pal from Germany, France, and USA etc
i will be happy when a get a reply from the first person Inoder to know more about me

9126-9130 out of 10093 friends