Friends from Senegal, USA, Uganda, Kenya, Brazil - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like reading, cooking, dancing, singing, traveling, makingfriends, find out, ler, andar de skate, ver filmes

9026-9030 out of 10093 friends


40 years old woman from Senegal (Dakar)


Hobbies: reading,cooking,dancing


About me: fer caring


48 years old man from USA (United States of America) (Ghana, Koforidua Eastern Region)


Hobbies: reading


About me: i want to have a friend from all over the world espercially u s a.


32 years old woman from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: singing, traveling,dancing,makingfriends


About me: Any one who is willing to be my friend
is welcome


33 years old woman from Kenya (Nakuru)


Hobbies: find out


About me: I'd love a friend who believes in themselves.Preferably snail mail.

Diana Brasil

35 years old woman from Brazil (Brusque)


Hobbies: Ler, Andar de Skate, Ver Filmes...


About me: Sou do Brasil, procuro amigos para conversar.

9026-9030 out of 10093 friends