Friends from Trinidad & Tobago, Poland, Uganda, Ethiopia, USA - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like cricket, football, partying, and lots of thingh other wise, sport (ski jumping the most :)), music, biology, email friends, ), trvelling

8566-8570 out of 10093 friends


38 years old man from Trinidad & Tobago (San Fernando)


Hobbies: cricket , football , partying , and lots of thingh other wise


About me: i am looking for female penpals to chat wit indian girls,mix or swt girls once ur fair and not to black or over fat lol


32 years old woman from Poland (Warsaw)


Hobbies: Sport (ski jumping the most :)), music, biology, email friends ;)


About me: Hi :) I'm Paulina from Warsaw, Poland. I'm 16 years old and I'm looking for an email friends :) I'd like to write in English or German (but I'm making a lot of mistakes :() If U want, please write to me :D


37 years old woman from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: trvelling,watching movies,making friends,etc


About me: i would like u to become my friend,i dot care who u are


31 years old woman from Ethiopia (Awassa)


Hobbies: watching movies,chating with friends


About me: I wanna to have an ethiopian penapal friend whose age is 15-25.with full of glad


39 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (New York)


Hobbies: sports


About me: i am a good looking girli am a good looking girli am a good looking girli am a good looking girli am a good looking girli am a good looking girli am a good looking girli am a good looking girli am a good looking girl

8566-8570 out of 10093 friends