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Find new friends who like photography, play guitar, music watchingof movies, raeding novel, playing baseket ball, listing to music nad making friends and even more than friends, disscusing issues, watching movies, reading and bringing change like obama, making friendship world wide

7236-7240 out of 10093 friends


30 years old woman from Poland (Ostrołęka)


Hobbies: photography, play guitar


About me: Hey! I am looking for penfriends ;)


39 years old woman from Ghana (Africa)


Hobbies: music watchingof movies.raeding novel


About me: l am avery humble girl who want avery serious man in america or germany for a relationship that will lead into marriage any interested man can join me now forFURTHER???


36 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: playing baseket ball,listing to music nad making friends and even more than friends


About me: i want friends all over the world,who are willing to be with me in good times and in bad time.

Hiruy B/t

46 years old man from Ethiopia (Gondar)


Hobbies: disscusing issues, watching movies, reading and bringing change like Obama


About me: peace for you.

Apurba Das

46 years old man from India (Darjeeling)


Hobbies: Making Friendship world wide, Travelling etc.


About me: This is Apurba Das, an unmarried male,aged about 30,from Darjeeling, INDIA. I am honest in nature, believe in Multiculturalism, want to make Friendship with Males / Females from anywhere in the World. Do not hesitate to write me. I am waiting...
(AFRICANS from REGUGEE CAMP , please do Not Write to me.)

7236-7240 out of 10093 friends