Friends from Russian Federation, Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like misic, paint, sport, science and communication, reading, swiming, basketball, wacthing moves, soul music, travelling

7136-7140 out of 10093 friends


40 years old man from Russian Federation (NiNo)


Hobbies: Misic, paint, sport, science and communication


About me: I'm looking for a new friends to communicate.
Please, feel free to contact me, I'd like to chat with you)


38 years old woman from Morocco (Casablanca)


Hobbies: reading , swiming ...


About me: I am a graphic designer and I'm a student studing arabic , french , english languages. I'm moroccan , i love reading , swiming and i love art and music. I'm looking for a friends in different religion to shar ideas


49 years old man from Kenya (Eldoret)


Hobbies: basketball,wacthing moves ,soul music,


About me: I wish to have a very good freind whose love can be felt naturally thourgh the suppernatural work of the almighty.I belife GoD can open doors where their seem to be no way.Am single never married ,GOD fearing and ready to have a friend any in the world.


49 years old man from Kenya (Eldoret)


Hobbies: basketball,wacthing moves ,soul music,


About me: I wish to have a very good freind whose love can be felt naturally thourgh the suppernatural work of the almighty.I belife GoD can open doors where their seem to be no way.


45 years old man from Tanzania (Dar Es Salaam)


Hobbies: reading . travelling , music and playing basket ball


About me: hello my name is raphael am a tanzania man com from east african country well am looking for a penpol freind how we can share idial and and thing s well i hope to here from both you male and female

7136-7140 out of 10093 friends