Friends from Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda, USA - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like immediate response, no hobies doyou know how, i will tell you later, playing video games surfing the web, chatting having good times with friends playing all sort of sports, swimming, playing football and watching it, volley ball, listening to music, volleyball

7026-7030 out of 10093 friends


39 years old man from Ethiopia (BHG)


Hobbies: immediate response


About me: amesegnalehu


38 years old woman from Ethiopia (Bahir Dar)


Hobbies: no hobies doyou know how, i will tell you later


About me: thank you for your immediate response


36 years old man from Nigeria (Lagos)


Hobbies: Playing video games surfing the web,chatting having good times with friends playing all sort of sports.


About me: Hi friends imma guy who would like to have friends from all races no discrimination both male and female,i'm simple,down to earth and an outgoing type i'd like friends who are honest go-getters and respect the value of friendship so if you are interested in being my friend you can hit me on my email. Thanks and bye.


40 years old man from Uganda (Kampala)


Hobbies: swimming,playing football and watching it,volley ball,listening to music


About me: i am here looking for the female penpals

kay kay

34 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (Houston/pittsburgh)


Hobbies: volleyball, sleeping, eating, reading


About me: Hey! my name is Kayla, I am a 18 year old high school student. I took Japanese and Spanish, and I studied a little Korean on the side. I am fun to talk to. I make jokes that make no sense and I guess my weirdness attracks people. I'm not really girly, because I grew up with only brothers. I love watchin TV and going on the computer. I'm 5"8, athletic, pretty and smart. I'm also lazy, weird and impulsive(But hey, it evens out!). Oh, yeah I love Volleyball!

7026-7030 out of 10093 friends