Friends from Ethiopia, Malawi - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like may hobbies are enjoyin love with may fiend, reading, and jocking, most of the time i wanna read and share love with firiends, playing play station, wathcing film reading, writing, watching tv, listening to music, meeting people

7011-7015 out of 10093 friends


36 years old man from Ethiopia (Haramaya)


Hobbies: may hobbies are enjoyin love with may fiend , reading, and jocking


About me: hello, every body i am i 20 years old guy form etuhiopia and currently i am styind law at haramaya uninersity.
Know i am seeking for friend to share ideas and enjoy real love.


46 years old man from Ethiopia (HARAMAYA)


Hobbies: most of the time i wanna read and share love with firiends.


About me: Hello, eveyr body who is visting may porfile ,I am a 22 years old from ethiopia currently i am styuding law at HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY, i wanna to have a good and real fiernd from any cuontry especially if itis from ethiopia it wuod be preferabele.
I want to enjoy love and affection and exchange our ideas and our future vission.


34 years old man from Ethiopia (Jimma)


Hobbies: playing play station ,wathcing film reading & writing,


About me: iamfromsomeethinicandculturalcountry.youtalktomeandlearndifferentcultures.


34 years old man from Ethiopia (Jimma)


Hobbies: playing play station ,wathcing film reading & writing,


About me: iamfrommanyethinicandculturalcuontry.friendtalktoandlearndifferentcultures.


40 years old man from Malawi (Lilongwe)


Hobbies: Watching tv,listening to music,meeting people,reading


About me: get to know me and be left to judge.

7011-7015 out of 10093 friends