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Find new friends who like anything preferable, listening to music, dancing, drawing, writing and hanging out with friends, singing, watching fights, concerts, hanging wit friends, hunting

6581-6585 out of 10093 friends

Satheesh Nadaraja

43 years old man from Malaysia (Perak)


Hobbies: Anything preferable


About me: Hi. I'm a guy looking for sincere pal friends. those who are interested, can mail me. Lets be friends forever.


30 years old woman from Netherlands (Deventer)


Hobbies: listening to music, dancing, drawing, writing and hanging out with friends


About me: i'm searching for some one where i can be friends with maybe even best friends. just talk and have fun. but also some one who i can trust.



31 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (Ashe)


Hobbies: Singing,watching fights, concerts, hanging wit friends


About me: I would love to met sumone i could share everything with and i would love to talk to a guy sumtime. Plz email me i want a new penpal
With love from a friend,


31 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (Ashe)


Hobbies: Hunting,Fishing,Friends,Joking,Music


About me: Im looking for a penpal just to chat and joke around with plz email me if you want to be the friend.



31 years old woman from USA (United States of America) (Ashe County)


Hobbies: Music, Chating,Texting, Going to Concerts, soccer


About me: Hey Im a pretty kewl chick you sould email me

6581-6585 out of 10093 friends