Friends from Fiji, Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda - find love, friendship, sex

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Find new friends who like soccer, meeting people, movies, making new friends, football, swimming, listening to music, travelling, reading, movies and learning different cultures accross the world

5401-5405 out of 10093 friends


42 years old man from Fiji (Suva)


Hobbies: soccer, meeting people, movies.............


About me: wel wil leave it u to find it out...........


44 years old man from Ghana (Accra)


Hobbies: Making new friends, football, swimming, listening to music, travelling, reading, movies and learning different cultures accross the world.


About me: I am seeking find very nice and simple ladies for friendship that will last forever.


38 years old man from Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)


Hobbies: reading,waching film& soccer


About me: hi honey, please write soon


38 years old man from Ethiopia (Addis Ababa)


Hobbies: reading,waching film


About me: dear my ferands please write now


42 years old man from Uganda (Kasese)


Hobbies: travelling,touring,swimming


About me: Hellow every one in the world i`m saul from uganda and i`m looking for asponser.I`m meeting chalenges in my education any one who would like to help me contact me on my e-mail above.Thanx for your support to my education.

5401-5405 out of 10093 friends