36 years old man from Zambia (Lusaka)
email: mwenda89@yahoo.com
Hobbies: computer game,music,playing football,traveling,reading novels and cooking
About me: the world is like a penitentiary prison,hope any ladies would be interested in then just drop me a mail,i almost read my mails frequently,so i may reply soon.
41 years old woman from Zambia (Lusaka)
email: T.bwale@yahoo.com
Hobbies: Aj
About me: Hope 2 make friendshp. Adgjmptw admjgptw admgjmwt
Cephas Tonga
38 years old man from Zambia (Lusaka)
email: Cephastonga@aol.com
Hobbies: Listening to music,reading novels and making friends.
About me: Hai people,am looking for friends from around the globe.regardless of your colour,age,race...you are all welcome because my love for friends comes from my heart which knows no age,colour,race...so feel free to write to me.
39 years old man from Zambia (Kitwe)
email: Julsmbulo@yahoo.com
Hobbies: Watching movies and playing basketball
About me: Be asured that i will reply to every e-mail i will receive from anyone.
30 years old man from Zambia (Lusaka)
email: dpnkhoma@yahoo.com
Hobbies: Dancing.swimming,listening to music(hip hop) and rapping.
About me: Hey,
My name is David from Zambia,i like to maka friendz all over the world.i would like to have female friends