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51-55 out of 58 friends


32 years old woman from Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk)


Hobbies: Writing, painting etc.


About me: A young, intelligent girl of 16 from Russia going to high school is searching a pen-friend of about the same age from Great Britain, Ireland , Canada, the USA and other English-speaking countries for cultural, linguistic, literary, artistic, common-knowledge information exchange (no marital intentions).
Interested in learning good English, culture of English-speaking countries, life of youth. Is ready to tell pen-friends a lot of things about the Russian language, culture, traditions, trends in youth life etc.
Thanks for your forth-coming replies.
Additional information in personal emails.


40 years old woman from Russian Federation (Rostov On Don)


Hobbies: Football, reading


About me: Hi. My name is Svetlana, I am 23 years old. I live in the South of Russia in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Dating with men for communication and friendship.
I would be happy to talk with everybody.
Sorry for my English!


33 years old woman from Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk)


Hobbies: sing, oh-hm-ha^^, dance, read magazines.


About me: I completele don't speak English, but I can talk German . I'd like to find friends from Germany.
waitin' =)


48 years old man from Russian Federation (Default City)


Hobbies: Reading historical books,watching movies,sometime travelling


About me: Hi.
I`m seeking for english-speaking penpal friend with the similar hobby and lifestyle as mine.
My hobby: reading historical books,watching movies,sometime travelling (i`ve visited most part of the biggest Russian cities),skating on inline rolls.


47 years old man from Russian Federation (Moscow)


Hobbies: Living on nature


About me: Hi everyone!! Did you visit Russia before? I'd like to show my country from such side you will never see as a tourist or traveler. Only as a guest! If you tired of big city and civilization - welcome! You will live on nature in wood house near the forest and river without city-noise, electricity and comfort! Lost your problems outside! It's a rest not for body, but for your SOUL ! I am waiting for your letters and waiting for you!

51-55 out of 58 friends