71 years old woman from Romania (Bucharest)
Hobbies: Gymnastics, dance, music, walking, reading, cats
About me: Hi, everybody!
I am a friendly, open-minded and lively person having a sense of humour. I am single, never been married and I am interested in long-term friendship/relationship. I think a true friendship does not take account of boundaries, caste, skin color, religion and many other things invented by some people to make our lives harder and worse.
Friendship among people all over the world is one of the most beautiful things in our lives.
I want to exchange information in variuos fields.
Please contact me and I will reply you.
71 years old woman from Romania (Bucharest)
Hobbies: Gymnastics, dance, music, walking, reading, cats
About me: Hi, everybody!
I am a friendly, open-minded and lively person.
I am single, never been married and I am interested in long-term friendship. I think a true friendship does not take account of boundaries, caste, skin color, religion and many other things invented by some people to make our lives harder and worse.
Friendship among people all over the world is one of the most beautiful thinks. I want to exchange information in various fields.
Please contact me and I will reply you.
57 years old man from Romania (Targu Mures)
Hobbies: Challenging tasks such as: psychologing, tutoring, translating, profiling, etc.
About me: Hello. I am physically challenged but mentally resourceful, intellectually equipped ... and smart.
I have a University Degree in Law, a E.S.C.C. Certificate in Advanced English, a E.S.C.C. Degree in Psychology, etc. ... and conduct research in the psychology of champions ( figure-skaters, gymnasts, athletes, etc.).
An open challenge to all, do you dare?
66 years old man from Romania (Braila)
Hobbies: True friendship and long term cooperation.
About me: My name is Vasile Grigoras aged 50 from Romania, serious and good crdinta, always cheerful dorninta to do good and give those in need and worthy, loving, reliable and extremely loyal. The principles that guided me in life are faith, honesty, respect, trust, humanity, solidarity, harmony and promptness. I love to meet and make friends all over the world to talk about life, culture, history and about anything but work with confidence and if possible in social and humanitarian field for a better and more just world and beyond. We need friends / partners for friendship and long term cooperation, and if you want a true friendship, please reply to my message with confidence and assure you that you will not regret waiting for a reply by e-mail: vas_grig @
66 years old man from Romania (Braila)
Hobbies: Prietenie, fratie, omenie si solidaritate!
About me: Ma numesc Vasile Grigoras in varsta de 50 ani din Romania, serios si de buna crdinta, cu inima buna intotdeauna cu dorninta de a face bine si a da celor care au nevoie si care merita, iubitor, de incredere si deosebit de loial. Principiile dupa care ma calauzesc in viata sunt credinta, sinceritatea, respectul, increderea, omenia, solidaritatea, armonia si promtitudinea. Imi place sa cunosc si sa-mi fac prieteni peste tot in lume cu care sa vorbesc despre viata, cultura, istorie si despre orice, dar sa si colaboram cu incredere daca este posibil in domeniu social si umanitar pentru o lume mai buna si mai dreapta si nu numai. Am nevoie de prieteni/parteneri pentru relatii de prietenie si colaborare pe termen lung, daca si tu doresti o relatie de prietenie adevarata, te rog raspunde cu incredere mesajului meu si te asigur ca nu vei regreta, astept raspuns pe e-mail: