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86-90 out of 1896 friends


37 years old man from Ghana (Kumasi)


Hobbies: Cycling,browsing,singing,reading etc


About me: Plz i ned God fearing n respectful pals.


30 years old man from Ghana (Tamale)


Hobbies: singing, football,software games and watching movies.


About me: My name is Majeed, i am a boy of 15 years old i like playing football.
I love those who are obedient and respect people.
So just try to contact me as friend mean you.


29 years old man from Ghana (Tamale)


Hobbies: reading,computer,watching tv,etc


About me: i am fareed yakubu a boy of degnity,i am 15 years old.i need a friend who is caring,lovely, God given portential like you.

nichole a paul

32 years old man from Ghana (Tamale)


Hobbies: studying my books,computer, games, watching tv etc


About me: my name is Nichole A Paul,i was not a chritian.but a friend of mine called
Nathan john convinced me to become a cristian.this transistion has not been easy
for me,this is because my parents and siblings negleteds me saying i had brought
shame and disgrace to the family.
luckily on my part,nathan john's convinced his father to help me.his father agrred
to help me but on two conditions.
first,i take care of my self by selling graphics on te street after school to
take care of my fees at school and other domestic needs.
also my friend's father said any day i go on my usual selling errands,my income
will be devided into two,that is half for me and half for my friend.this has
affected me because my daily income is not sufficient to take care of both my
educational needs and domestic needs.
well i have not complained because it is said in the bible that "give and you
shall be given".these challenges at first almost made me decide to go back to my
parents and back to my old life but last weeks sermon on the topic FAITH,touched
me down to my heart which gave me hope to still be a christian.
following all this challenges,i have kept my fingers crossed hoping for a miracle
to come to my aid.


29 years old man from Ghana (Tamale)


Hobbies: reading,computer,watching tv,etc


About me: My name is Fareed a boy of 15 years old,i am a student of Northernstar complex school. I like good people like you.

86-90 out of 1896 friends